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About Humanity64

The End of Human History Is Approaching

Humanity64, also known as Timefulism, is a religion that can guide us as we approach the end of human history and enter and begin to navigate post-human history.  Among other things, it offers new ways to contemplate time, appreciate history, reenvision geography and astronomy, and foster human connections, all of which will become increasingly important as we prepare for the end and the new beginning.  It also has the distinction of being the only religion in the world that is based on verifiable fact.


Humanity64 maps the hours of the waking day to historical time, allowing you to give thanks for those that came before us and helped shape the world into what it is today.


Humanity64 maps the the globe onto a cascading series of 64-square chessboards, so that any location on earth can be seen as a sequence of squares.


Humanity64 reminds us to give thanks daily for the miracles that allowed each of our millions of ancestors (the vast majority of which we all share) to survive and reproduce in an unbroken chain over billions of years to lead to each of us.

Customer Review

I now have a much more personal relationship with Time, thanks to Humanity64.
mandrill monkey, monkey, primate-7514702.jpg
Blaise Pascal

How do you spend your Time?