
Lily's Story

This is a children's story written by ChatGPT3 (prompts included) that teaches children where they come from, and how lucky they are to be who they are. It is the seed of the Humanity64 religion.

Teaching the one true religion to the world's future

Venerating our history

This is a timeline from that maps all of time to the 365 days of a year, so that each day corresponds to a particular period of the history of the universe and the Earth. Using this timeline, we can venerate every single day as a holiday, and also can select a set of specific holidays for special rituals. Click on the picture to see the table and further explanation.

Creating a calendar of veneration

Our common ancestors

All humans have common ancestors who lived during the last few thousand years. Beyond that, all of our ancestors are exactly the same. We all direct products of the great escapes and lucky encounters described in Lily's story. This project is to understand who our common great-great-great . . . great grandparents were.

After just a few hundred or thousand "greats," your great great . . . great grandparents are the same as everyone else's.

Venerating our world with a new geography (Beta)

Mapping the Earth onto 64 squares

Ending human conflict

If we are to survive the age of Artificial Intelligence, we must end human conflict. If we don't, the disaffected, disagreeing, and self-interested elements within humanity may well use AI to destroy humanity. And even if that doesn't happen, unless we come together in harmony and cooperation, there is a non-trivial chance that AI itself will destroy us. Humanity must unite around a common theme, so that we can work together to harvest the benefits of AI, rather than be harvested by it.

The choice: harvest AI or be harvested by it.

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Ending human conflict

If we are to survive the age of Artificial Intelligence, we must end human conflict. If we don't, the disaffected, disagreeing, and self-interested elements within humanity may well use AI to destroy humanity. And even if that doesn't happen, unless we come together in harmony and cooperation, there is a non-trivial chance that AI itself will destroy us. Humanity must unite around a common theme, so that we can work together to harvest the benefits of AI, rather than be harvested by it.