What We Do
Make Friends with Time
Humanity64 helps each of us establish a personal relationship with Time, by giving each 15-minute period of the day a "name," and (among other things) mapping that snippet of time to a quarter-century of human history and to a specific sector of the world.
Each segment of time is also associated with a particular piece of music and a particular piece of art, which you, as a practitioner of the religion of Humanity64, are free to select for yourself.
Creating a Personal Relationship With Time
Time upon Time
Humanity64 focuses on the waking day -- it maps 6 am to 10 pm. 6:00 a.m. to 6:15 a.m. to the historical period 600-625 AD. Noon-12:15 pm is 1200-1225 AD and 1:00-1:15 pm is 1300-1325 (think military time).
Midnight-00:15 a.m. is the period 0-25 A.D., so naturally the time just before Midnight is 25 B.C.E.-0 AD, and we can go "backward" in this manner to cover the B.C.E. years to 2400 B.C. So in fact, each hour of time maps to two historical periods -- one in the period A.D. to 2400 A.D., and one in the period 2400 BC to 0 A.D. If you don't get it yet, don't worry, you will.
Citizens of Time
We are all citizens of Time.
Study Time, Love Time
We can't define time itself, but we can measure it, and we can therefore "define" particular chunks of it. These chunks are the building blocks of our lives, so it is a matter of religious duty to acknowledge them and their service as they go by, and, if possible, to put them to use to make the world a better place.
Why History?
History shows how our ancestors and forebears used, and misused, their time. Everything that we have today, including our lives, is the direct result of history, exactly as it occurred. If any event in history -- even the most seemingly trivial event involving only one human being -- had been different, none of us would be here today. And the most trivial events that occur to any of us today shape the future of the world.